So off the second WI stop on my trip, Trempealeau. It was only a 3.5hr drive but it became a very interesting ride. First, there are lots of trucks on the road going VERY slow so you can pass them. This takes skill because you are trying to speed ahead of them without getting hit by the on-coming traffic. That wasn't a huge deal, it was like a game of ping pong. But when I got behind a truck with an open top full of corn the game was set. The corn was flying off the back of the truck onto my car and the cars coming in the other lane. I avoided most of them but got pegged by others. The game didn't last too long because I got tired of it and I once again engaged in my earlier game of ping pong.
Corn Truck...Game on! |
There were some storms off in the distance so the scenery was really awesome! Golden corn with a dark blue or black backdrop. I was able to get some good pictures which always makes me happy! I made it to my Grandma's with no major problems and my Uncle Karl and Aunt Carla were there as well which was nice because I haven't seen them in 7yrs! Now my brother told me one thing before I left for this trip; beware of Obe. Obe is my aunt's cat who apparently likes to attack people. When I arrived he was no where to be seen but Karl and Carla had already gotten their wounds for the day. So when he did come out I made sure to keep my distance. He didn't seem to mind me though because he never made any attempts to attack me. I did sleep with my door closed though just incase! I also was sure to send my brother a picture of him saying "Obe misses you!" haha...he didn't like that!
Karl and Carla went grocery shopping shortly after I arrived and that gave Grandma and I a few hours to catch up until Aunt Carol got home from school. We went through all of my maps and they gave me some good ideas of things to see and do along the way if I have time. Aunt Carla also looked at my map and said that my trip looked like an eagle. And that my trip should be called "Taking Flight" or "Flight Across the US". I thought that it was pretty awesome that my route does resemble an eagle!
Can you see the Eagle? |
All 5 of us ate a crock pot creation from Aunt Carla (pretty good!) and watched some season premiers on TV. Just a nice chill afternoon/evening with the family. Then it was time to play some games and continue with the family evening...chocolate ice cream included :) We started with the game 10 days in the US and FLUXX. Both games I had never heard of and I liked them (once I understood them). The 10 days in the US was pretty cool because it was all about planning a 10 day trip across the US so it was like I was re-planning my current trip.
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